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작성자 test008
댓글 0건 조회 4회 작성일 24-04-08 13:45


To this end, an international race promotion TF team will be formed to push for a successful http://horsesite77.com hosting of the Korea Cup. However, it is expected to be a big variable as it is difficult for the government to quickly complete the quarantine in order for racehorses from countries that have http://horsesite77.com not yet been quarantined between countries to participate. Racing officials diagnosed that the prize money for the international invitational race should be more than 400 million won, but they expect a significant number of foreign racehorses to participate in the Korea Cup, which will cost more than 700 million won. The implementation of the Korea Cup's international invitational race, which will be http://horsesite77.com established in 2016, is expected to greatly help the horse racing industry, which has had a strong negative image, improve its new positive image thanks to visits by foreign racehorses http://horsesite77.com and officials and competition from each other. Meanwhile, the addition of the second-generation horse series and sprinter series is expected to


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