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What Does ADDERALL Do To Your Brain - A Guide To Finding The Best Pric…

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작성자 Antje Grullon
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Photos submitted by Amber Heard and her attorneys in response to a defamation lawsuit filed by Johnny Depp against his ex-wife show the actress' destroyed closet after her then-husband allegedly went on a rampage.

Broken clothing racks and scattered designer clothing, shoes and purses are seen covering the floors of the $3million Los Angeles penthouse where Heard kept her clothing and accessories.

It was one of the five connected penthouses formerly owned by the actor in the Eastern Columbia building in Downtown Los Angeles.

The images were shared in text messages between an employee of the couple and a worker in the building.

'Good morning sir... So ... Um ... Johnny destroyed Amber's closet. And there's some other damage to PH5,' wrote the individual working for the couple.

That person then added: 'You're the person I should talk to about that, correct?'

Kevin, who worked for the building where Depp was living at the time, responds that he will deal with the situation, prompting the other individual to text: 'Insanity. Just f***ing insanity.'

This happened on March 23, 2015, a month after Heard and Depp tied the knot on a private island in the Bahamas. 

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Aftermath: Johnny Depp allegedly destroyed the $3million penthouse wife Amber Heard used as a closet (above) during a fight in Match 2015, according to a court filing

Rampage: DailyMail.com has obtained photos of the wreckage which show broken racks and designer clothing and accessories scattered around the room (above)

Newlyweds: The incident occurred just one month after the couple (above in February 2016) were married

'Johnny Depp physically and verbally abused Amber Heard. Since their divorce, Mr. Depp has continued to publicly harass Ms. Heard, and attempted to gaslight the world by denying his abuse,' said Heard's lawyer Eric George in a statement on Thursday. 

'It is long past time for Mr. Depp's despicable conduct to end. Today, we presented to the court irrefutable evidence of Mr. Depp's abuse.'

The partner at Browne George Ross LLP continued: 'It is regrettable that it will take a judge to finally end the persistent harassment of Ms. Heard by Mr. Depp, but Ms. Heard will take whatever action is necessary to vindicate the truth.'

Heard is asking a judge to dismiss the $50million defamation lawsuit filed by Depp in response to an op-ed she wrote for The Washington Post.

That piece never once mentioned Depp by name but did reference Heard's tumultuous split from the actor, with the actress writing: 'I spoke up against sexual violence - and faced our culture's wrath.'

Depp and his legal team claim that Heard caused further damage to his already declining career, which he accuses his ex-wife of derailing when she she first accused him of abuse in her 2016 divorce filing.

Heard filed those papers just 15 months after the couple were married, and five years after they first began dating on the set of The Rum Diaries. 

Not normal: Kevin, who worked for the building where Depp was living at the time, responds that he will deal with the situation, prompting the other individual to text: 'Insanity. Just f***ing insanity' (above)

Response: Heard and her lawyers submitted these photos in response to a $50million defamation lawsuit filed against Heard by Depp

Shattered: Heard is asking that the case be dismissed or moved to Los Angeles after Depp filed his suit in Virginia

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